Thursday, August 23, 2012

Remember when....

Doing more research about my family history has brought many happy memories flooding back about the happy times spent with cousins and grandparents on holidays etc. Waking up to real Milo made with real warm milk not the business with the kettle and the instant milo, with an open fire going in the kitchen whilst curling up in one of the large chairs in the corner of that same kitchen, wow I had forgotten about that. Melon jam, yes Nana always had the melon jam. Have not had some for years now, must get a jam melon and see if I can replicate it. Playing cricket in the lane where I grew up, start with a few cousins and by the end of the night every kid and quite a few dad's in the lane playing too on a warm summer evening, yes had forgotten about that too. One night we even ventured into the paddock where the old Trufood concrete cricket pitch was (and still is) and played a massive game there that night. No cricket bats for us, we all played tennis so it was cricket with a tennis racquet. Probably not quite as polished as Maria Sharapova slamming that ball into the hole on the golf course with her tennis racquet (did you see that this morning on the telly) whilst poor Djokovic landed in the drink, but you could actually run an eight if you whacked it hard enough.

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